Thursday, 28 January 2016

2015 Picture Book Challenge: Roundup

Firstly, sorry for the lateness of this roundup of my Picture Book Challenge 2015. I wanted to squeeze in as many books read and reviewed as possible, but toward the end of December I was in a position where I just needed to catch up with myself. The one benefit of the delay in getting to publish this is that I was able to add three extra titles to my recommendations, but more on that later.

Friday, 8 January 2016

2015 Picture Book Challenge: Her Idea

I had hoped to post at least a couple more updates before year's end, but unfortunately I ran out of time. This will be the last post in the 2015 Picture Book Challenge, apart from a summary and recommendations from among the books I have read which is to follow soon. I have three more book reviews in this last update, and will finish with a list of other books I read but won't comment on.

Her Idea by Rilla Alexander