Thursday, 24 February 2022

Patreon, YouTube & Twitch Update

Hello! This is a slightly modified version of a post on my Patreon:



I realised the other day that I had been neglecting my Patreon, so I'm currently re-jigging it slightly and posting links to the recent videos I had previously missed. I'll do a couple a day until I'm up to date, and then new video posts will go up the same time as the videos go live. Which leads me to YouTube...

I've currently got a good schedule going to release one video a week on Sundays, alternating between Wizard and the Princess VODs and the Dune and Divine Divinity let's plays. My intention is to keep that routine going. I anticipate we'll be up to date on the VODs first, and then I'll alternate the other two series and drop in some one-off videos or two part series as and when time allows.

An update for this blog: you can check out my channel update video from December -

- and visit the series playlists for recent uploads.

Divine Divinity


Wizard and the Princess

The VODs generally take less editing than a standard let's play episode but are usually much longer so post production ends up a similar length. Once I've caught up (and there's some Dune II streams to edit and upload too) it would be a good time to start streaming to Twitch again - and I'm keen to, because I have fun - but the remaining factor is my internet connection.

It's adequate for most online functions but for streaming it's just poor. Fibre optic cables are being installed in my area, so I'm going to wait for that work to be completed and then investigate my options for higher speeds!

I might try out the odd stream between here and there of something technically undemanding, so we've got a chance of it working. I'm definitely open to suggestions of where the best place is to notify people of upcoming streams. As well as relying on Twitch's own notifications, I'm thinking I will post on my Patreon to give people a heads up.

I think that's it for now. Thanks!

Take care,

Luke x

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