Friday, 22 October 2021

Quick Update: October 2021


It's been a while! Apologies for not having updated you since July. Here's a quick post on some relevant things.

I've been busy on work of various kinds - not a lot to show on that just yet. I've been publishing videos to YouTube and streaming on Twitch on a fairly regular basis - typically weekly for each - so if you're interested in my video game adventures, please do check there.

On that front, I've reached a couple of milestones I'm kind of proud of. I finished my playthrough of The Feeble Files, the game I started with in August 2020 and has been a near constant challenge, to play and to present, and battle of wills and motivation. I did it. I'm not sure it means anything to anyone other than me, ultimately, but really that's enough. I've loved playing games again through the process, and have come back to video editing with satisfaction. I'd like to write something more substantial on the experience at some point.

On a related note, I've still got some half-finished blog drafts to finish, especially the Hal Hartley one.

Oh, and I've also published videos on Dune and Dune II (both from 1992), showing gameplay, sharing my thoughts and going through some of the history of this interesting pair of games that are really only connected by circumstances of creation.

I've had a fun and involving time playing both and assembling this material over the last month or so, and releasing them into the wilderness of YouTube feels like an achievement and a relief. Time for a bit of a rest, so I'm taking a week off streaming and will dial it back a bit on the YouTube videos for a while. I still have material to edit and publish, so the channel will still be updating regularly, but I intend to spend more time elsewhere for the moment.

That's kind of it for the moment, but for one very important recommendation.

Do check out The Ticking World, a unique branching narrative advent calendar created by Brendon Connelly and Maya Evans:

Take care


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