Thursday, 12 November 2015

2015 Picture Book Challenge: Steve Antony quadruple bill

There's every chance Steve Antony will be the most prolific author & illustrator I'll review in this challenge with an impressive four books published this year. He's also a new kid on the block; find out more at his website. I've saved my post till the publication of Green Lizards vs Red Rectangles, so I can compile thoughts on all four. But, to begin:

Please, Mr Panda

Monday, 19 October 2015

2015 Picture Book Challenge: Two sun stories

By coincidence, or perhaps intuition, I picked up two books to read concerning the arrival of the sunrise. They make such a good pair, and offer some interesting things to discuss by comparison, that I'm going to dedicate this post to the two of them. First:

How the Sun Got to Coco's House by Bob Graham

Friday, 9 October 2015

2015 Picture Book Challenge: Footpath Flowers

Footpath Flowers by JonArno Lawson and Sydney Smith

Published by Walker Books. A fascinating wordless book, and probably one for older readers as it uses detail and palette change as an intrinsic part of its meaning, consisting only of small, subtle actions and touching on sensitive issues.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

2015 Picture Book Challenge! : Whatever Happened to my Sister?

I've set myself the challenge of reading as many of this year's new picture books as I can get hold of (through the public library), with the aim of having a list of recommendations by the end. This seemed less ambitious in July, but here I go... I think I'll post updates featuring a book that really impressed me and run down the other titles I have read. To start, the impressive:

Whatever Happened to my Sister? by Simona Ciraolo

Thursday, 3 September 2015

The No-Update Update

I do still exist.


I regret to admit I've made very little to share with you since my last update. There have been distractions. However, when not frittering the time away, I have been rewriting some manuscripts... I still have plans for the following, in order of preference:

Women of Power
Talmac the Syberbarian

They all want to be comics. I'll try to get them further along.

Also, thanks to reading Maurice Sendak's insightful collection of reviews and essays, Caldecott & Co., I have a new appreciation of the picture book. I've been reading quite a few (I like to stretch myself), so I might blog about what I encounter in place of progress on my own projects for the time being.

Thanks for checking in, I have missed you...